
What Clients Are Saying
Wima S.

Stacy is simply amazing. I did the 12 week program with her and gained a wealth of information on myself and how to take care of “me” both physically and spiritually. She taught me different ways to meditate, and introduced me to gratitude, both of which I cannot go a day without. She made me see a different side of life, and helped to get in touch with a kinder and positive version of myself. She really has changed me for the better and for that, I am forever grateful.

Colleen D.

I just had a yearly appointment with my doctor. He said that if he had to give me a report card I would get an A+. He told me to keep up my great work and said all of my numbers were great, and these numbers are after adding fat and dairy!!!! And more fatty meats! I’m so grateful. Thank you. Thank you. I feel so empowered. So vibrant. So healthy!!!


Thanks for changing my eating forever. I learned more in Restart than I did in all of college.

Kathleen T.

I just finished the RESTART® class with Stacy. I loved the education component of this class plus having a support group of people to work with. My digestive process greatly improved and I’m less gassy and bloated than I was 4 weeks ago. I’m so excited to have learned how to read food labels and make better choices.

Imogen F.

Stacy taught me about the importance of reading food labels, the affects of meditation, the importance of exercise and sleep, not only for myself, but for my family too. I enjoyed personal one-to-one tailored fitness instruction and healthy cooking lessons. Her knowledge is really quite remarkable and I am forever thankful.

Laura B.

Before I started working with Stacy, I didn’t really know what meditation was, and I didn’t have any kind of expectation of what I would get out of it. I knew I was feeling more stress than ever before, and I was having trouble sleeping and relaxing. Now years into our relationship, I am a hugely present person by comparison. By practicing meditation (something I’ve learned is unique to everyone), I am present and alert with my family to enjoy the fun times. I can draw a line in the sand and definitely say that what Stacy has shared with me transformed my life, and I love the good energy I am capable of offering.