We need to talk because I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re sabotaging your health. And I feel compelled to talk about it, even though you many not want to hear about it.
It’s about your cup (or three) of coffee. Coffee is highly addictive and not necessarily good for you yet more than 75% of Americans drink coffee.
Let’s name it for what it is, a stimulant.
Consuming too much caffeine (which is an individual parameter based on your sensitivity or your ability to metabolize it) can disconnect you from your natural circadian rhythms and disrupt your hormones.
Coffee elevates cortisol. Cortisol is a fat-storage hormone and when cortisol is too high (or low) it wreaks havoc on your body.
Caffeine is a coping mechanism, it helps you get through the day. Yet caffeine contributes to sleeplessness and fatigue.

Do you think you’re caffeine ADDICTED?
Here are some common signs:
- Irritability and anxiety
- Consumption of 3 or more servings of alcohol a week
- Drinking caffeinated beverages most days of the week
- Overeating when stressed
- Suffer from physical or emotional exhaustion from chronic stress
- Suffer from indigestion or reflux
- Have pms
- Find that the more caffeine you drink the more tired you feel
Did you know that just one cup of coffee reduces blood flow to your brain by 20-30% so you naturally become more irritable and less resourceful when you drink coffee?
Detoxing from caffeine periodically can help to reset cortisol levels and give your body a break from the hamster wheel of sugar, hunger and fat accumulation.
And DECAF won’t do. Yes, it’s true, decaffeinated coffee has reduced levels of caffeine but it also contains acids (and molds) that affect blood sugar and cortisol levels. It also raises blood pressure and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.

Being caffeine-free will help you sleep. This is a good thing because sleep increases glucose metabolism and is linked to better blood sugar regulation. Sleep also boosts secretion of growth hormone (which, along with cortisol, regulates belly fat). Sleep activates cellular repair, it normalizes cortisol levels during the day and it improves memory.
Moreover, going caffeine free may reduce your risk of Alzheimers disease which is also known as Type 3 diabetes; Parkinson’s; stroke, livery injury and gallstones.
Honestly, I’m sorry to have to break the news to you but I feel obligated. I feel I owe it to you to help you reduce your caffeine consumption.
Sound terrifying but willing to give it a try? I’m not gonna lie, it’ll be a little painful but the benefits are totally worth it. And if you feel like it would be easier having someone help you, then click here to see how we can work together.
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